WatchLock® - «smart» high security padlock / SPV Company Ltd
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  • 07.07.2014

    WatchLock® - «smart» high security padlock

    WatchLock® - «smart» high security padlock
    MUL-T-LOCK® padlocks are well-known for many years throughout the world and provide a reliable mechanical closing and safety of various objects. But lately users need not only a mechanical closure, but also a precise control with the ability to obtain the real-time information about events, such as locking and unlocking the lock, the route cost, an effort to inbreak the lock, etc. 
    SPV Company Ltd. presents professional partner’s and customer’s attention a new cooperative development of MUL-T-LOCK® and STARCOM Systems - WatchLock® padlock. This lock of High Security standard is able to simultaneously solve two problems: how to provide the effective protection for stationary (especially remote or branched in the area), and moving objects. It may be warehouse complexes, base stations of mobile communication, containers, trucks, vans, etc. 

    WatchLock® lock - is a complete solution that both securely locks the object and notifies the owner of the programmed events. For example, WatchLock® automatically tells you when the padlock is disabled and locked and has the ability to monitor the coordinates of the lock’s location in real time. These features are possible due to the fact that MUL-T-LOCK® M10 high-security mechanical lock is integrated with the modern GPS system of position determination and GSM communication system created by STARCOM Systems.
    The managing of the events monitoring system can be online with a special web-application. Having created a personal account, the owner of the WatchLock® lock will be able to read the calendar of events and the reports of unusual activities, to monitor the movement of the product on the map and receive SMS-messages about events such as unlocking and locking the lock, hacking attempts, the battery power level, the exit of the mobile object outside the fixed geographic area. In addition, you can quickly create detailed reports from the accumulated in the control events log.  
    WatchLock® lock helps to reduce the costs on the monitoring and inspection of the property, to prevent theft by hackers as well as by the staff, and also offers exceptional advantages for closure of stationary and moving objects. 
    For stationary objects: 
    - Reliable control of the outside perimeter and the storage space. 
    - Control of the remote equipment (mobile network sites, transformer substations, water facilities, etc.)
    For moving objects: 
    - Monitoring the movement of trucks and commercial vehicles, containers. 
    - Quick response to any deviations from the route. 
    - Immediate obtaining the information about unlocking the cargo compartment, the closure of the lock, the force hacking effort, the deviation from the set route.
    WatchLock® based on the MUL-T-LOCK® M10 lock is available on the Classic, Interactive+ and MT5+ key platforms, as well as the unification of locks in the One key, Master Key systems and the integration with CLIQ® technology is also possible.
    Now it is a unique development of the intellectual padlock, has no analogue in its functionality.
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