GPS monitoring of vehicles
GPS monitoring of vehicles – is a convenient, reliable and effective way to receive relevant information about the location of the car online.
For all owners of car parks a satellite tracking system – is a good assistant that allows you to simultaneously control the movement of cars in real-time, look after the mode of operation of the vehicle, and receive a variety of reports that allow you to evaluate the practicability of the use of the vehicle.
Information from the GPS tracker in the car is transferred to the server (it does not require installation of additional software on the user's computer) by which the location of the vehicle is displayed on the map, alarming events that require immediate response (accident, theft attempt, battery disconnection, etc.). Inside the car there is a panic SOS button, using which the driver can report about an emergency. GPS tracker, using the monitoring program, generates reports that provide the most accurate information about the operation of the vehicle at a given time - which driver, on which segment of the road, with which speed had drove this vehicle, where was an overspeeding or a deviation from the route.

A satellite tracking system transmits the data on a mobile phone about all these provided cases – an activation of the panic SOS button, an unauthorized evacuation or attempts of hijacking, an activation of additional sensors - accident, temperature, etc.
Satellite tracking system enables an authorized person to block the work of the engine via the Internet or SMS.
In the case of the carriage the cargo with the need to keep a constant temperature, the system can notify about the changes of temperature in the cargo compartment - using SMS.
GPS Tracker essentially helps saving fuel. This is due to the fact that the driver, knowing that the car is under a satellite tracking system, will not use the car for his personal use, and in some cases, the consumption may decrease by almost half because of installing the system. In companies with a large fleet satellite tracking system pays for itself in three months due to fuel economy.

GPS monitoring of vehicles will allow tracking the car at any time anywhere in the world, learning about its location for the last 60 days, setting the mode of driving this car and much more.
GPS monitoring of vehicles is indispensable if the company is engaged in transportation of valuable goods, in cases of real attacks danger and misappropriation of the vehicle.
Satellite tracking system is installed in the company-provided vehicles in the car park of SPV Company Ltd. GPS Tracker has repeatedly helped preventing the development of situations, the outcome of which could adversely affect the efficiency of employees use work time.